Tag Archives: Take.2

What Tim Learned at Business School – Take 2!

You may not have noticed but it’s been a while between updates! In fact, second term saw a grand total of 1 post. This is partly because things got a whole lot busier but I suspect it’s also because I wasn’t happy posting anything less than a small novella; and there damn hard to write.

I really think having this blog is valuable,

  1. It forces me to be clear in what I’m trying to say. A lot of the concepts we get presented with at MBS are pretty complex but distilling these down to the most valuable chunks is a skill I’d like to work on
  2. One of the big things that’s being emphasized in our program is the key role that repetition plays in learning. Not cramming stuff but rather revisiting it every couple of days until it migrates to long term memory. This blog is another tool for building that repetition into my schedule

So I’m going to try something different: I’ve been keeping a list of “2 thing’s I learned today”. These are paragraph long thoughts that come from the lectures I’m sitting in on and I thought I might use these as the basis for my posts. Hopefully that makes it a little more accessible to read as well (rather than wading through pages of my ramblings).

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